Problems of Forensic Sciences 2011 Vol. 86 (LXXXVI) 103-113

Effective differentiation of adhesive tapes by the use of infrared spectroscopy and pyrolisis-gas chromatography for criminalistic purposes

Janina Zięba-Palus1, Aleksandra Augustynek2
Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków, Poland
Institute of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Infrared spectroscopy and pyrolysis GC/MS were applied in comparative analysis of adhesive tapes. It was found that samples of the same type and similar infrared spectra can in most cases be effectively differentiated using Py-GC/MS, sometimes based only on the presence of peaks of very low intensity originating from minor components. The results obtained enabled us to draw the conclusion that Py-GC/MS appears to be a valuable analytical technique of tapes examination that is complementary to infrared spectroscopy. By identification of pyrolysis products, it enables discrimination of samples. Both methods provide crucial information that is useful for identification of adhesive tapes found at the crime scene.

Słowa kluczowe
Infrared spectroscopy; Pyrolysis GC/MS; Forensic analysis; Adhesive tapes; Discrimination.

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