Problems of Forensic Sciences 2020 Vol. 121 (CXXI) 21-38


Dominika FORTUNA, Bożena GULLA
Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

The goal of this study was to find connections between internal factors (rape myths, system justification and state of mindfulness) and severity of administered punishment regarding rape. Methodology: scores on the Gender-related System Justification Scale, an updated measure for assessing subtle rape myths, the Male Rape Myth Scale (MRMS) and a task concerning the severity of punishment, completed by 138 participants, were analysed. Tasks intended to elicit the state of mindfulness – or a neutral task – were completed by participants before the task regarding severity of punishment. Findings: the results showed that lower punishment for rape was connected with greater acceptance of rape myths and greater system justification. Implications: the usefulness of these results lies in their contribution to the avoidance of rape stereotyping in social discourse as well as among law enforcement personnel and professionals working in the forensic sciences.

Słowa kluczowe
Rape myths; System justification; Mindfulness; Severity of punishment.

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