Problems of Forensic Sciences 2003 Vol. 54 (LIV) 9-31


Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow

In the years 1985-2003, twenty Polish Conferences of Forensic Toxicologists were held. The organiser of these meetings was the Institute of Forensic Research in Cracow together with successive departments of forensic medicine from the whole of Poland. At first, only forensic toxicologists attended the conferences. Currently, clinical and veterinary toxicologists, analysts from sanitary-epidemiological stations, analysts from police laboratories, forensic medical doctors, clinical medical doctors from centres of acute poisoning and centres of occupational medicine, and also scientists from the Laboratory of Forensic Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry JU also take part. From time to time we have also played host to scientists from foreign toxicological centres. Conference themes have been current analytical and interpretational problems, mainly in the field of medical diagnosis and expert evidence. These themes have encompassed alcohology, drug addiction, analysis of medicines, other organic and inorganic xenobiotics, new analytical techniques and also difficulties in interpreting results gained linked to their application. Furthermore, case studies have been presented from amongst the more interesting and problematic expert reports. In the course of incisive discussions with the participation of experienced specialists, opinions have been exchanged, conducive to raising the level of professional skill of participants in the conferences.

Słowa kluczowe
Forensic science, Toxicology, History.

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