Problems of Forensic Sciences 2002 Vol. 49 (XLIX) 7-13


Aleksander GŁAZEK
Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow

This paper profiles Dr Jan Zygmunt Robel,an outstanding chemist and forensic toxicologist, co-creator of the Institute of Forensic Research in Cracow and its first post-war director, the fortieth anniversary of whose death fell on 24 May 2002. Thanks to his efforts in April 1941, during the Second World War, what remained of the property and documentation of the Warsaw Institute of Forensic Research was successfully moved to Cracow and deposited in the Chemical Department of the State Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics. This facilitated re-establishment the Institute in Cracow very shortly after the German army left the city. Despite the exceptionally difficult post-war conditions, the Institute, thanks largely to Dr Robel’s passion and commitment, was able to undertake preparation of expert reports, encompassing a significantly broader field of forensic sciences than just the physico-chemical domain – such areas as criminalistic techniques were covered. The staff of the Chemistry Department formed the core of the Institute; however, Dr Robel managed to acquire many new colleagues fairly quickly. He worked at the Institute continuously until March 1961, when he retired. His posts at the Institute were: Director of the Institute, Research Director of the Institute, and – in the last period – Manager of the Biological Department. In 1992 the Scientific Council of the Institute of Forensic Research initiated a prize named after Dr Robel. It is awarded every year by the Chapter of the Scientific Council for the best Bachelor’s, Master’s or Diploma Thesis in the field of forensic science.

Słowa kluczowe
Dr Jan Zygmunt Robel; Institute of Forensic Research; Jagiellonian University; History of forensic sciences.

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