Problems of Forensic Sciences 2000 Vol. 42 (XLII) 82-89


Véronique DUMESTRE-TOULET1, Vincent CIRIMELE2, Jean-Pierre GOULLE3, Gilbert PÉPIN4, Pascal KINTZ2
1Laboratoire Ruffie et Associes, Bordeaux, France
2Institute de Medicine Legale, Strasbourg, France
3Laboratoire de Toxicologie, Le Havre, France
4Toxlab, Paris, France

ß-adrenergics compounds are sometimes used by sportsmen who wish to improve their performances: ß-agonists like salbutamol to increase the respiratory capacity or clenbuterol to increase the muscular mass and ß-blockers which supports psychomotor coordination are used. Urine is the mandatory specimen for the International Olympic Comitee for doping control, but urinalysis provides short term information of an individual drug use, cannot distinguish between chronic or single/therapeutic use and can be adulterated. Hair analysis offers an interesting alternative to solve these problems. An original procedure was developped to simultaneously test 14 ß2-adrenergics in hair. We describe here such a technique with validation procedure and application for doping evidence. A quality control has been realised by several French laboratories with this procedure. Several application of the method are also described.

Słowa kluczowe
Hair analysis; ß-adrenergic drug; Doping control.

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