Problems of Forensic Sciences 2000 Vol. 43 (XLIII) 118-125


Erzsébet JESZENSZKY1, Tibor VARGA1, Peter FREUDENSTEIN2, Wolfgang BONTE2, Róbert TARI3
1Department of Forensic Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged, Hungary
2Department of Forensic Medicine, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
3Department of Addiction, Municipal Hospital, Szeged, Hungary

Alcohol is a prominent risk factor in traffic accidents. Investigations have shown that both in Germany and in Hungary a significant number of chronic alcoholics take part in traffic and form a special risk-group. Diagnosing chronic alcoholism at present is almost exclusively based on psychiatric and psychological tests. It is necessary to work out an objective laboratory investigation method, by means of which chronic alcoholics can be identified in time and, if necessary, sanctioned effectively. Besides the high concentration of blood alcohol, the so-called biochemical markers of chronic alcoholism are taken into account, one of which is the increased methanol level of the blood. The methanol level of the blood and the methanol content of consumed beverages are related to each other. There are significant regional differences in alcohol-consuming habits and in the quality of alcoholic beverages. In our work we collected blood samples from chronic alcoholics in the Szeged region, Hungary. The samples were analysed with headspace gas chromatography. The following biochemical markers of alcoholism were measured: ethanol, methanol, acetone, 2-propanol and 1-propanol. Our data were compared with similar data from Düsseldorf and Vienna. The result of the investigation contributes to the unambigous evaluation of methanol as a biochemical marker of chronic alcoholism. The results can be used in Hungary for the modification of the traffic safety regulations.

Słowa kluczowe
Alcoholism; Biological markers; Methanol.

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