Problems of Forensic Sciences 2001 Vol. 47 (XLVII) 137-143


Grzegorz ZADORA1,2, Zuzanna BROŻEK-MUCHA1, Andrzej PARCZEWSKI2
1Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland
2Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Ascheme of glass classification is proposed. The scheme is based on results of the quantitative analysis of 153 glass objects, which belonged to the following categories: car windows (cw), car headlamps (h), external glass of car bulbs (ecb), internal glass of car bulbs (icb), external glass of ordinary light bulbs (eob), internal glass of ordinary light bulbs (iob) and window sheets (w). With the use of SEM-EDX method concentrations of aluminium, barium, calcium, iron, lead, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc were determined. The concentration ranges for each element in each category of glass were found and the elements for which the concentration ranges did not overlap were selected. With this non-statistical approach to the problem of glass microtraces classification a collection of 153 glass samples was divided into six sets. Then the cluster analysis was applied for classification within these separated sets. In the latter approach raw analytical results were normalised and Tukey HSD test was used to choose significant variables. The presented approach leads to the correct classification of most of the glass samples studied.

Słowa kluczowe
SEM-EDX; Glass microtraces classification; Cluster analysis.

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