Problems of Forensic Sciences 2001 Vol. 47 (XLVII) 375-379


Patricia PÉRALI
Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale, Rosny-sous-Bois, France

We would like to show an example of the application of our method to compare handwritings. This method: Standard Handwriting Objective Examination (SHOE elaborated by Marie Jeanne Sedeyn detailed on the poster on a real Court case, highlights the possibility to identify an anonymous writer with strong indications of identity. This very strict method leads the forensic document examiner to observe the questioned and comparison documents from the general characteristics to the details. Obviously, the knowledge of this method is not the only condition to obtain good results, you also need training, again and again.

Słowa kluczowe
Handwriting comparison; Objective examination; Protocol.

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