Problems of Forensic Sciences 2003 Vol. 53 (LIII) 91-108


Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow

The aim of the research was to establish which variables of the Rorschach test linked with cognitive processes have strong significance for custodian competencies of parents. The study encompassed 102 persons (51 broken marriages) whose custodian competencies were assessed in psychological expert reports drawn up for court cases. Studied persons were divided into 3 sub-groups: A. persons whose custodian competencies were assessed as good (12 persons); B. persons not having sufficient competence to bring up children independently (supervision by a social worker or psychologist recommended); C. persons with low competencies (limitation or even deprivation of parental authority recommended). The results gained indicate the occurrence of a correlation between custodian competencies and the following factors related to the functioning of cognitive processes of parents:
1. Correctness of perceiving and formulating conclusions:
- conventionality (X+%) and non-conventionality (X.%) of perception;
- less clear in relation to disturbances of perception (X.%);
- in thinking and drawing conclusions (Raw Sum 6 and W Sum);
- results of all sub-groups deviated from the norm, but disturbances in reasoning processes occurred significantly more frequently in studied persons with lower upbringing competencies.
2. The effectiveness of cognitive processes:
- reaction to obvious stimuli, ability to recognise and react to obvious situations (D) is typical for persons with higher competencies;
- immaturity of cognitive processes, superficiality and triviality, lack of precision in recognising a situation (DQv) is characteristic of persons with lower competencies;
- rigidity and disturbance of functioning of cognitive processes appears in persons of lower competencies.

Słowa kluczowe
Custodian competencies; Cognitive processes; Rorschach.

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