Problems of Forensic Sciences 2015 Vol. 104 (CIV) 328-337


Piotr ADAMOWICZ1, Joanna GIEROŃ1, Małgorzata KORCZYŃSKA2, Joanna KULIKOWSKA2, Ewelina PIEPRZYCA2, Agnieszka SKULSKA1
1Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków, Poland
2Department of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Toxicology, School of Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Pridinol is an anticholinergic drug with peripheral and central actions. The drug is used in psychiatry and neurology as well as to reduce muscular contractures and involuntary movements occurring after strokes, fractures and injuries, and for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. This drug is sometimes also used by drug abusers to “get high”. Despite frequent use, there is limited data on the concentrations of this drug in the blood, which makes it difficult to interpret the results of drug determinations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present seven cases in which the presence of pridinol was revealed, as well as to attempt to determine the blood concentrations of this drug. Six deaths and one case concerning driving under the influence of medication have been discussed. Four fatal cases related to hanging and drowning, one concerned sudden cardiac death in a sauna, and the last was a case of fatal poisoning. The determined pridinol blood concentrations were in the range of 47−3,050 ng/ml. In all cases, pridinol was not the only substance present. Perazine, levomepromazine, promethazine, sertraline, hydroxizine, venlafaxine, olanzapine, propranolol, chlorprothixene, nordazepam, alprazolam, zolpidem, flupentixol, zuclopenthixol, valproic acid, and ethyl alcohol were detected together with this compound. Taking into account all the cases discussed, as well as a few literature data, it can be assumed that the blood concentrations of pridinol used for therapeutic purposes are in the range of 30 to several hundred ng/ml. Concentrations of a few micrograms may be toxic and even fatal. Due to the limited number of cases analyzed, the data presented should be treated very cautiously.

Słowa kluczowe
Pridinol; Blood concentrations; Interpretation.

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