Problems of Forensic Sciences 2013 Vol. 93 (XCIII) 351-370


Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków, Poland

The Comprehensive System, currently commonly called the Exner system, was established in the USA in 1974 as a result of empirical research concerning procedures and interpretations of the Rorschach Test. In a short time, it gained recognition in the world as a method that fulfilled psychometric criteria and was at the same time resistant to cheating, removing the stigma of magic from the test. However, in the mid 1990’s, the first opinions were voiced challenging this enthusiasm. Criticising the value of the measurements performed, people at the same time began to conclude that application of the Rorschach Test was inadmissible in diagnoses for court purposes. A similar wave of criticism occurred at the beginning of the 21st century in Poland, gathering strength in 2012. Experiences linked with the latter situation have shown that there is a need to familiarise the Polish psychological milieu with basic information on the subject of the current state of empirical studies on the Rorschach Test. For whilst criticism of the value of this test in the USA and in some European countries has led to deepened empirical studies and actions aimed at reducing weaknesses of the Exner system, in Poland – encountering a lack of knowledge – it has only led to confusion and consolidated stereotypes on the subject of the Rorschach Test. The aim of the article is to present the basic arguments put forward by both the advocates and the critics of the Rorschach Test according to the Exner (scoring) system on the subject of its application in psychological expert opinions. They were extensively discussed in the author’s 2006 book [14], but the passage of time and the limited access to the book1 justify raising the issue again in a wider forum. As in the cited book, arguments for and against applying the Rorschach Test in expert witnessing have been discussed from the perspective of criteria of assessment of evidence from an expert opinion. This time, the author has focused on arguments contained in the most recent literature concerning the Rorschach test in relation to 10 criteria of her own authorship [12].

Słowa kluczowe
Rorschach Test; Exner System; Criteria for assessing expert evidence; Psychological diagnosis.

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