Problems of Forensic Sciences 2011 Vol. 86 (LXXXVI) 114-126

Youth crime. An empirical test of Robert Agnew’s general strain theory

Ewa Czerwińska-Jakimiuk
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland

This paper tests R. Agnew’s general strain theory (GST) of juvenile crime and delinquency in Poland. According to Agnew, strain theory focuses on negative relationships with others, i.e. relationships in which others do not treat the individual as he or she would like to be treated. The research focuses on the two following questions: Is there a relation between the sense of strain, social control, differential association, personality factors, situational and social factors, and youth delinquency? And is there a relation between the above factors and the intensity of criminal behaviour among youthful offenders? The hypotheses were tested on 179 young male adult prisoners and 145 pupils. Finally, we were able to note that the general strain theory has the potential to serve as a major explanation for young adult crime and juvenile delinquency in contemporary society. The results could be used in the prevention of criminal behaviour, therapy, rehabilitation, criminal and social policy.

Słowa kluczowe
General strain theory; Young adult crime; Criminal policy.

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