Problems of Forensic Sciences 2001 Vol. 47 (XLVII) 122-136


Wilfried STOECKLEIN, Marilen FRANKE, Rainer GOEBEL
Bundeskriminalamt, Wiesbaden, Germany

The emission of photons in the UV, visible or IR-part of the electromagnetic spectrum during irradiation of solid surfaces with high energy electrons is called cathodoluminescence (CL). CL can reveal textures and variations in the chemical composition of solids like ceramics, refractory materials, glasses, biomaterials, and certain minerals which cannot be detected with other analytical methods. Therefore CL has become a standard technique for mineralogical and petrological investigations but until now has not very often been used in forensic science. The authors have therefore examined how this non-destructive method can provide information specific in the analysis of glass and paint. In this report the capabilities and limitations of CL-microscopy for classification and discrimination of sheet and container glass are discussed. These are the commonest types of soda-lime glass found in forensic investigations. In addition the use of CL in examining multilayered white/beige paint chips is illustrated.

Słowa kluczowe
Cathodoluminescence; Glass; Paint; Pigment; Cathodoluminescence microscopy.

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