Problems of Forensic Sciences 2013 Vol. 94 (XCIV) 485-501


Jagjeet Singh SAROA1, Komal SAINI2
1State Forensic Science Laboratory (H. P.), Junga, Himachal Pradesh, India
2Department of Forensic Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India

The widespread use of photocopiers has made it necessary for documents examiners to find some method of linking questioned documents to an individual photocopier. The examination of photocopied documents for the determination of their nature and source includes physical and chemical analyses of the photocopies. The physical analysis includes examination of toner type, toner fusion, the splattering effect of toner and defect marks on black photocopy samples. In the present study, photocopied samples from sixty two photocopiers were examined for their physical characteristics under a stereomicroscope and were classified into fifty two groups. So, the examinations on the basis of physical characteristics proved to be very significant and useful as they helped to achieve the aforementioned aim.

Słowa kluczowe
Questioned documents; Photocopied documents; Toner type; Toner fusion; Splattering effect of the toner; Defect marks; Stereomicroscope.

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